Oil & Gas
The oil and gas industries face exceptionally tough challenges. Existing resources are becoming more costly to access, new reserves are ever harder to find and skilled people are more costly to attract. Amidst all this, distribution models are changing, price and availability are increasingly volatile – and environmental issues are moving up the agenda.
For companies wishing to thrive in this arena, effective leadership, good, motivated people and efficient operations are essential.
Emirates Zone’s experience in the oil and gas sector – with the integrated majors, regional and nationally owned companies as well as the oil service sector – gives us a profound understanding of the challenges you are facing. We can help you to:
⇒ Create competitive pay and incentives that retain top talent
⇒ Implement performance management systems that get the most from your people
⇒ Review your business structure to ensure it is fit for today’s volatile conditions
⇒ Develop the skills needed to thrive in a more collaborative environment.
Our solution has among other, the following benefits:
⇒ Allows data correction / rerun / approval
⇒ Provides an audit trail of changes to data
⇒ Controls access to data
⇒ Performs complex calculations
⇒ Stores large amounts of data in a structured way
⇒ Matches requirements
⇒ Flexible and adaptable to changing requirements
We can offer the following services in both upstream and downstream oilfield operations.
⇒ Tubular running
⇒ completion sub-assembly
⇒ Ctld pressure drilling
⇒ Air loop & h2s safety
⇒ Corrosion engineering
⇒ Plant maintenance
⇒ Jetty berthing
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Phone: (+971) 2 6666676
Whatsapp: (+971) 50 33 19 272
Email: info@emirateszone.ae